Mag. Dr. Monika Hirsch

Founding Attorney


Monika Hirsch sees herself as a businessman and a lawyer who offers a gateway for foreign investors in Romania. Her long stay and experience have made Monika Hirsch well-versed in Romanian law and culture.


Monika Hirsch has worked as an associate lawyer in several international law firms in Vienna focusing mainly on commercial law. In 2005 she came to Romania as a partner in an international consulting firm.

In 2006 he already established his law firm with 5 employees initially, which later grew to 12 employees. Due to the economic situation and personal life, the structure of the law firm changed.

Since 2014 Dr. Monika Hirsch has been associated with Mag. Raluca Marinescu – founding the Professional Law Firm SCPA Hirsch, Marinescu Associates with the same office in the premises of Casa Austria.


Practice Aria

Energy Law – Renewable Energy, Electricity and Gas Trade

Law on Commercial Companies, in particular – the establishment of companies

Restructuring including M&A, winding-up, and liquidation

Insolvency Procedure

Labour law

Construction Law

International Labor Law

Real Estate Legislation

Land Registry and Real Estate Publicity Law

Waste Management Law

Public Procurement Law

General Administrative Law – procedures/representation before authorities

Representation before the Romanian courts and the Court of Arbitration


  • 1993-1999 ­ University of Vienna, Vienna/Austria, and Sheffield UK
  • 1999 ­ Internal practice at the EU Commission in Brussels/Belgium
  • 1999-2004 ­ Associate in international law firms in Vienna
  • 2005 ­ Partner in an international law firm in Bucharest/Romania
  • 2006 Establishment of MH Advice SRL
  • Since 2006 started her own law firm situated in Bucharest/Romania with a close cooperation to NHP Vienna
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