Foreigners will have easy access
to buy agricultural plots in Romania

January 13, 2014

According to the Accession Treaty at the EU, Romania has committed since 01.01.2014, to open the farmland market for natural and legal persons from EU and the EES.

In order to comply with the EU requirements, a law regarding the measures which shall regulate the sale-purchase by foreign persons of the extra-murros land was adopted, and, also, a Land Administration and Market Institution was established in order to supervise the sale process (AARPF).

Therefore, foreigners can buy farmland individually, without setting up a company in Romania, as it was in the past; but following a difficult mandatory proceedings of sale-purchase, in case there is not existing a blood relationship (up the a third degree) between the parties.

The farmland can only be sold if it was respected the right of preemption of the co-owners, lessees, owners neighbors, people whose farm activities across administrative-territorial units where the land is situated, respectively, the Romanin State, in this order; to an equal price and terms. The farmland is free of encumbrances, if within 30 days any of the holders of the right of pre-emption has not manifested its intention to purchase.

Foreign land acquisition

President Traian Basescu rejected the law on the purchase of agricultural land plots by EU citizens. The request to reconsider the law tightening the terms and conditions enforced so far has been sent to the Senate because the law provides contradictory or confusing provisions that may lead to a deadlock in terms of agricultural land transactions.

Energy prices

In December 2013 the prices for the electricity were amended, for the regulated tariff practiced by the OPCOM, as well as the specific tariffs for the distribution services for the electricity and for the prices for the reactive energy requested by the eight distribution operators authorized by ANRE.

Prices for green certificates

Since 01.01.2014 the prices of green certificates are new regulated by ANRE.

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